About Us

The North American Sport Movement is not a traditional organization.

There is no centralized staff or leadership hierarchy.

This movement is made up of many leaders, teams, organizations, and churches who are all partnering together to have a bigger impact than we would on our own.

The need is too great to worry about who gets the credit or whose logo is used. We are willing to set aside our “brands” to see the Kingdom of God expand. Those who serve and partner together in the movement embrace the values of joyful sacrifice, relationship before results, collaboration, and an ownership mentality in order to pursue Gospel Saturation in North America.

The movement is easy to join and easy to leave. There are no membership fees or application process. It’s a mindset, a passion, a movement of ordinary people who believe God will do extraordinary things. Are you part of this movement?

Canadian Sports Movement

The Canadian Sport Movement is part of the larger sport movement around the world.

We exist as a network of Canadians passionate about sharing the Gospel through sport, play, fitness and games! We host monthly prayer calls over zoom, quarterly online training ‘huddles’ and in-person conferences and networking events. We recognize that with a Kingdom mindset, we are better together!