Multiply School

Multiply School is much more than just a regular school, class, or lecture. It is much more than acquiring head knowledge or learning more new ministry tools.

The focus of Multiply School is experiencing God in a new way that leads to personal transformation, which is the pre-requisite to helping others experience transformation in Christ. This produces the kind of leaders who can go and multiply leaders, disciples, teams, and the Kingdom of God on earth.

The content is highly experiential and is designed to provide spiritual formation in the areas of disciple-making, leadership development, team building, and specific sport, play, and fitness strategies.

Who is it for?

  • Leaders between 21-35 years old

  • Leaders with a passion for sport and play who are currently involved in sports ministry and leadership for at least one year preceding the recommendation.

  • Candidates need a recommendation from a leader in your community who knows you, affirms your character, and believes you have the potential to be a multiplier of leaders in your context.

2024 Details

Houston Multiply School
September 16 - December 31, 2024

Mexico City Multiply School
July 15 - August 6, 2024

Canada Multiply School
June 3-7, 2024

Why Should I Attend?

The outcomes of Multiply School are focused on the transformation of you, your team, and ministry. We believe that while you are at Multiply School you will have time to draw closer to God and find your true identity in Him. The goal of the school is not to give you a lot of head knowledge, but for us to continue to be refined into the image of God.

Transformation of Self:
Understand your true identity in Christ and live it out as a disciple of Christ. Become a servant leader to others around you. Bring sustainability and rhythms into your personal life. Become a practitioner in discipleship. See the big picture of the North America movement and understand how you can serve it from your local context.

Transformation of Your Team:
You will be able to develop your team and move it from starting to growing to multiplying. You will learn how to facilitate decision-making, conflict resolution and strategy.

Transformation of Your Ministry:
Go to new frontiers, understand your regional context, develop a prayer strategy and ministry plan.