Movement Pathway

Step By Step Coaching For Multiplying Followers of Jesus

Making disciples in the world of sport, play, and fitness can be a lonely and frustrating experience.

We understand because we’ve been serving in that world for the last 65+ years.

To really be effective as a disciple-maker through sport, play, and fitness, you need a coach (someone who has the character and competency you want to develop) and you need a team (a community of like-minded leaders who can encourage you and hold you accountable).

But that’s the problem. Most leaders in sport, play, and fitness feel:

  • alone;

  • frustrated;

  • misunderstood;

  • judged by others as inferior compared to “more important” ministries;

  • and uncertain if they’re really making a difference.

Sport, play, and fitness should be highly valued as vital tools to engage people outside the church and to multiply mature disciples.

We know that sports ministry is not just for sports fanatics who don’t want to grow up. It’s so much more than a “Christian” sports league, a prayer before a game, or Christian music playing during a workout.

That’s why the North American Sport Movement created the Movement Pathway so leaders like you can find the coaching and community they need to multiply disciples and teams of disciple-makers!

The Movement Pathway provides clear next steps for wherever you might be in the journey of leader and team development.

• An online community of like-minded leaders

• An assessment to pinpoint where you are in the leader and team development journey

• Small, personalized cohorts where you have access to an experienced coach and the support and accountability of a team

• Guidance in developing a clear, individualized plan for lasting impact in your context

• Help in building a strong, diverse team that will multiply

• Participation and collaboration in a global movement that’s bigger than any one person or organization

The Movement Pathway includes:

Get started on the Movement Pathway today and multiply your impact.


Join our Community

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Get equipped on the
Movement Pathway

Find the training, coaching, and resources you need.


Multiply your impact

More disciples, more leaders, more Gospel saturation.

Cohorts provide the coaching and community you need to be effective. Cohorts are made of up 4-8 like-minded leaders in the world of sport, play, and fitness and 2 coaches who are experienced practitioners in making disciples in these contexts. Cohorts contain a mix of self-paced learning via online content as well as 10 group coaching sessions on Zoom. Cohorts open up at various times throughout the year. Fill out the Interest Form, and we’ll ket you know when the next available cohort starts.

What Is a Cohort?

Cohorts provide the coaching and community you need to be effective. Cohorts are made of up 4-8 like-minded leaders in the world of sport, play, and fitness and 2 coaches who are experienced practitioners in making disciples in these contexts. Cohorts contain a mix of self-paced learning via online content as well as 10 group coaching sessions on Zoom. Cohorts open up at various times throughout the year. Fill out the Interest Form, and we’ll ket you know when the next available cohort starts.

Coaching Is Key

Content + Community + Coaching = Real Learning In Action

Join our Mighty Networks Community to explore the following free online courses:

• The Trailhead

• Intro to Disciple-Making Principles

• Time Management and Productivity Training

• Sports Leadership Training

Online Courses

You might be wondering, “What is the North American Sport Movement? How do I get involved? Can this movement serve my ministry and could my ministry perhaps serve the movement?” These are great questions that we answer through the Movement Pathway.

The Movement Pathway is designed to clarify the next steps of how you can be involved in the movement and to equip you to multiply disciples and teams while also providing an opportunity for you to use your skills and experiences to serve other leaders in North America.

How Do I Get Involved?

Here are the 3 steps to get started:

1. Join Our Community

2. Get equipped on the Movement Pathway

3. Multiply your impact